Musicians and Singers


Hourly Median (2020)


Projected Job Growth (2019-2029)

+4.2% (slower than the average)


What Musicians and Singers Do

Play one or more musical instruments or sing. May perform on stage, for broadcasting, or for sound or video recording.

Other Job Titles Musicians and Singers May Have

Choir Member, Musician, Singer, Violinist

How Leaders Describe a Typical Day at Work

There isn't really a typical day. If I'm in the process of writing, I spend a lot of time in my home studio putting together beats and melodies. If I'm recording an album, I'm in a professional studio for 10-12 hours straight with the producer and my band getting all the parts just right. When I'm on the road, we often have to drive to the next town during the day, load in, sound check, chill for a bit, then get on stage and perform. It can get hectic but I can't see myself doing anything else!

Regional Director ,

Guitars Over Guns

At Guitars Over Guns, we hire musicians to come into middle schools, high schools, and community centers to create relationships and mentor students for years on end. A mentor will arrive at a school with a lesson plan. We start off with a circle to check in with the students about how they're feeling—that check-in essentially guides the day. We'll teach lessons and lead activities to create a positive experience for students.

Tasks & Responsibilities May Include

  • Perform before live audiences in concerts, recitals, educational presentations, and other social gatherings.
  • Sing a cappella or with musical accompaniment.
  • Interpret or modify music, applying knowledge of harmony, melody, rhythm, and voice production to individualize presentations and maintain audience interest.
  • Specialize in playing a specific family of instruments or a particular type of music.
  • Sing as a soloist or as a member of a vocal group.

This page includes information from theO*NET 26.1 Databaseby the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration (USDOL/ETA). Used under theCC BY 4.0license. O*NET® is a trademark of USDOL/ETA.