
My road in life has been direct.
When I was a teen, I saw my mentally challenged cousin without options for an education.
Then I observed the difference between happy teachers and those who were not.
I always knew I wanted to be a teacher.
In high school I realized I loved being on stage.
I fell into theatre in college, but began checking out alternative high schools in my state.
I started calling myself a creative dramatist and worked in schools promoting reading.
I ran an adult touring theatre for kids, adapting kids'novels, so they could read 'what they saw.'
I went solo. I saw my humor as a tool. I wrote social commentary to promote getting an education.
Keep following my journey


Teaching artist / motivational speaker

I combine stand up comedy with social commentary to help young people see their purpose.

Career Roadmap

My work combines:
My work combines:
Acting & Theatre
Upholding a Cause and Belief

Day to Day

Writing, practicing material, making phone calls, learning new things on the computer ( hate that part- but gotta do it). Listening to news and interviews. Reading the paper, watching comedy series and comedians. Going for a walk or swim. Learning from my grandchildren. Helping and working with people older than me. Looking for bookings ( a nightmare- gotta do that, too).

Advice for Getting Started

Here's the first step for high school students

If there's no theatre program in your school, think about ANYTHING you'd like to say out loud or ask a teacher to help you find monologues. Memorize, practice, practice some more. Volunteer to perform in front of your English class or any class a teacher allows. Feel what it's like to be nervous, embarrassed or laughed at, or TO MAKE MISTAKES IN PUBLIC- these things NEVER go away. You'll just get better at dealing with it all. If you love your work, it'll still be hard, but you won't notice.

Recommended Education

My career is not related to what I studied. I'd recommend this path instead:


The Noise I Shed

From Myself:

"In college, the only thing I had as an elective in high school was "drama club". But my advisor placed me in science-related courses. What did I know? I almost got kicked out of college for low scores, until a theatre professor 'found me.'"

Challenges I Overcame

Divorced parents
First-Generation College Student