Ron Wild

Ron Wild

Regional Business Manager

Rocky Mountain Power

Rock Springs, WY USA

Remember that your future is your own, and your choices dictate what happens tomorrow.


My road in life has taken me all over.
Joined the US Air Force as a Security Specialist.
Worked as a bill collector while going to school.
Managed the Power Lab at UW while a student.
Worked for a Carbon Fiber Company, and started working on a virtual team for digital game development
Chairman of the County Economic Development Commission
Citizen of the Year for Evanston Wyoming
Started working for Rocky Power
Appointed to Wyoming Workforce Development Commission


Regional Business Manager

I represent Rocky Mountain Power in the community, while support large customers.

Career Roadmap

My work combines:
My work combines:
Working Independently

Day to Day

There is no normal day, my days are controlled by a calendar, but the calendar is not set in stone. I have weekly / monthly reports for various aspects of my job. I need to utilize the internet to track stories and stay up with current events. I help non-profits with grants from the company. I work with various organizations to promote Economic Development. Yet, each day can be changed on dime, when there is a focus.

Advice for Getting Started

Here's the first step for everyone

Build relationships not for the sake of advancement, but honest relationships. Keep in touch with people and be considerate of all you meet. This will serve you well over the course of your life.

Recommended Education

My career is related to what I studied. I'd recommend the path I took:


The Noise I Shed

From Parents:

"You will never amount to anything, in six months you will be in Leavenworth. Where did you learn that, I never taught you that."

Challenges I Overcame

First-Generation College Student