Evan Snyder

Evan Snyder


Carmel Clay Schools

Carmel, IN USA


My road in life has been direct.
2001 - Played historical-based video games - that's where I got interested in history!
2005 - Took lots of history courses in HS
2009 - Graduated with honors from HS
2009 - Began college at Ball State
2014 - Got first teaching position, teaching history in Carmel Clay Schools
2015 - Switched teaching positions to be more technology-centric. Additionally added AVID to my courses
2017 - Started masters degree at Butler University in Educational Administration
Present - currently teaching a mixture of technology and AVID classes
Keep following my journey



I teach middle school students in a variety of subjects, including AVID, Digital Learning, Computer Science, and more!

Career Roadmap

My work combines:
My work combines:
Teaching / Mentoring

Day to Day

My life is dictated by the bell, so typically i get here a bit before students come in. I prep my classroom and Canvas courses for the day and print off any material I need. I make sure I take a big glug of water (because I forget to while teaching) before students come in. I teach 4 classes (8th grade AVID, 7th CS / DL2, and two 6th grade DL1 classes), then my prep period is the last one of the day, so I'm done teaching around 2:00. I then grade, plan, and catch up on emails before leaving school

Advice for Getting Started

Here's the first step for everyone

Networking is critically important. Sometimes it's who you know that can put in a good word for you when applying for a job. Additionally, make yourself "marketable" by adding different licenses, certifications, and or skillsets that set you apart from others - applying for a job is somewhat of a competition, after all. For those interested in education, explore lots of different topics so you can be prepared to make switches like I did early on. Get out and observe teachers in action!

Recommended Education

My career is related to what I studied. I'd recommend the path I took:

School Management and Leadership


The Noise I Shed

From Society in General:

"The common understanding is that "teachers don't make much money." While this is largely dependent on quite a few factors, money isn't everything - I like to think I make a *difference* and not just a salary."

Challenges I Overcame

First-Generation College Student