Suzett Moffitt

Suzett Moffitt


Suzy Q Service Corporation


My road in life took a while to figure out.
Getting, through puberty was more of a life struggle, which took me down roads, I never knew, I would travel, but GOD's grace and mercy...
What wanted out of life, which took me 30 years, to figure this one out took longer, than I anticipated or expected, which took a great deal out of my life.
Struggling, to make a life worth living and worthy of the calling on my life, which is the will of GOD for my life.
Helping others, I was good at that, and I liked to clean, and I away wanted to be my own boss, in my own business. I took a deep look inside said LORD, "What you want me to do?"
Do, "What you always have done, "I started with being certified with the city of Indianapolis, state of Indiana, Department of Transportation, Small Business Administration,.
Became certified with the Family Social Service Administration to provide services for the Aged & Disabled, Traumatic Brain Injury, The Money Follows The Person
I became certified by The United Stated Department of Labor as a Homemaker Apprenticeship. In 2019, became certified to provide service for Developmental Disability providing Community Integration
Certified for Workplace Assistance, Community Rehabilitation, Family Support Services, Residential Assistance etc...


Arlington High School
Computer Programming/Programmer, General
Ivy Tech Community College–Central Indiana
Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis
Personal Service License
Indiana State Department of health



I, Suzett Moffitt am a disabled business owner.

Career Roadmap

My work combines:
My work combines:
Helping People

Day to Day

I have guardianship of two of my grandchildren, I read my bible, and drink coffee, get the children off to school, and ask GOD to order my steps. Each day has new and different trails. My disability has many struggles, but I push through, I open my laptop, and my work begins. I can not do everything, I want to, but it is not possible. I do what I can, and the most important tasks are always first. Sometimes it takes months, but guess what, I get it done.

Advice for Getting Started

Here's the first step for everyone

Join Indiana Chamber of Commerce, or SiSter SiSter group, Ivy Tech, or Indiana Workforce Development, which will help you step in the right direction/

Recommended Education

My career is not related to what I studied. I'd recommend this path instead:

God given talents
Personal Decision-Making Skills
Hard Work


The Noise I Shed

From Family:

"You should be further along by now. It hurt my feelings because I am trying. I am disabled and I started my business in 2009 as a cleaning service, but there are so many cleaning companies in Indiana."

Challenges I Overcame
