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DeAnna Blanchard

DeAnna Blanchard


"Never give up, roadblocks will happen but it is up to you on how to handle them."

Career Roadmap

DeAnna's work combines: Technology, Design, and Problem Solving

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Day In The Life

Product Support Specialist

I help the public with software applications

Skills & Education

Here's the path I took:

  • High School


  • Graduate Degree


    Texas State Technical College

Here's the path I recommend for someone who wants to be a Product Support Specialist:

Bachelor's Degree: Bachelors

Learn more about different paths to this career

Life & Career Milestones

I've taken a lot of twists and turns

  • 1.

    Parents were always sick so I had to put my life on hold and take care of them as well as raise my little brother.

  • 2.

    I started working when I was 13 to help my family with food and bills.

  • 3.

    No direction so I worked in a lot of different fields including farming and construction.

  • 4.

    Joined the military when I was 16 to bring in extra income for my family

  • 5.

    Started college that took me longer than most to finish due to the health of my parents and my responsibilities to my family

Defining Moments

How I responded to discouragement


    You shouldn't go into computers because that is a man's world. They will never let a woman support the public. Woman are not smart enough to work on anything that is why they should stay home and wait on their spouse.

  • How I responded:

    I struggled and even believed what was being told to me. I applied to several colleges and was turned down because of my finance so I went to work. After working for about 14 years I decided to try college again and I was accepted. I finally was able to prove them all wrong. I graduated as a Phi Theta Kappa honor society member and proudly wore my gold and blue rope. I then turned to the individuals telling me I was no good and said, " CAN'T NEVER COULD DO NUTTIN"!! Old saying from my dad.

Experiences and challenges that shaped me

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  • Very poor growing up and made up my mind at a younger age that I will not live like that. I overcame many losses in my life but they have made me a stronger and better person.

  • I am the first in my family on both sides to complete any type of schooling. Both my parents did not complete middle nor high school. I made it a point to prove to myself that I would accomplish high school and college. I did both in top 20% percent