
My road in life has taken me all over.
I left for the Navy immediately after high school.
One day my master chief called me to say a film was shooting nearby and they needed military extras.
I did that and it heated up my passion for the entertainment industry; I did a few more films.
Because of that, I was SO ready to get out of the military that I think I left prematurely.
I often think about what would've happened if I had taken different orders and stayed in longer.
Keep following my journey


Freelance Production Services

I work in the entertainment industry and run a nonprofit focused on the arts.

Career Roadmap

My work combines:
My work combines:
Being Creative

Day to Day

Ideally, the day starts by answering some emails and working on nonprofit work, then I'll switch over to some for-profit production stuff, and then I'll end my day by working on my own art, my plays and my writing. Other days, I'll be working on sets as some kind of production assistant, doing whatever's needed from me. Most days, I don't have a set office or space in which I'm working; right now I'm kind of just wandering the earth.

Advice for Getting Started

Here's the first step for college students

While you're in, do your research, find out where you want to go, and use your tuition assistance to go to an accredited university. It's going to suck and it's going to eat up your nights and weekends, but it's going to be worth it. Get all of your core classes out of the way while you're in so you can focus on a major you like when you get out. And for god's sake, while you're in college, suck it up and do an internship! They are absolutely invaluable and they put you ahead of the game.

Recommended Education

My career is not related to what I studied. I'd recommend this path instead:



The Noise I Shed

From Society in General:

"You can do anything."