
My road in life took a while to figure out.
Raised in a low-income household by a single mother in South Central Los Angeles.
Wanted to be a musician but my mother discouraged it as a career so I focused more on academics.
Learned to love reading. I read constantly as a child to acquire as much information as possible.
Was given a music scholarship to attend college and earned engineering degree.
Keep following my journey


Manager, Technical Customer Service

I coach, develop and evaluate a team of highly trained technical agents.

Career Roadmap

My work combines:
My work combines:
Accomplishing Goals

Day to Day

Every day is different, but one thing is constant: the morning starts with coffee! First, I handle any pressing issues my team has. Then, I answer emails, pull and study the performance data from the previous day, listen to agent calls, and identify coaching & development opportunities. Next is a manager meeting, held every morning to plan the day. The rest of the day is spent studying performance metrics, meeting with management, observing agent calls, coaching, & putting out fires.

Advice for Getting Started

Here's the first step for high school students

Focus on everything! While math & the sciences are probably the most important, don't forget English, history, social sciences, and the arts. All these disciplines will help by expanding your critical thinking and problem solving abilities. The combination will force you to be well rounded and will help you look at things from different points of view.

Recommended Education

My career is related to what I studied. I'd recommend the path I took:


The Noise I Shed

From Society in General:

"No one from this neighborhood ever makes it."

Challenges I Overcame

Gangs / Violence