Career Roadmap
Mike's work combines: Music, Film, and Being Creative
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Here's the path I took:
Here's the path I recommend for someone who wants to be a Musicians & Singers:
High School
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My path in life took a while to figure out
Started to make "songs" in cheap music making software such as fruity loops.
Began making beats for a friends hip hop group, it was my first challenge in music making.
Took more interest in producing music and started at an Audio Engineering school in Hollywood, CA.
Then I was told that some of my music would do well in film and tv. Gave me hope for a future.
Got a few songs placed in Roadtrip Nation and signed to music licensing companies. More hope.
Defining Moments
How I responded to discouragement
Messages from Friends:
You still doing that music thing?
How I responded:
I ignored them and told myself that while they are out wasting money, I'm at home improving my skills in music.