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Frederick Gregory
Frederick Gregory

Frederick Gregory


Washington, DC USA

"I think that you have to really believe. And this means having high esteem with yourself."

Career Roadmap

Frederick's work combines: Science, Armed Services, and Accomplishing Goals

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Day In The Life

Deputy Administrator

I'm an Air Force pilot, military engineer, test pilot, and NASA astronaut, and now NASA Deputy Administrator.

Skills & Education

Here's the path I took:

  • High School

  • Bachelor's Degree

    Military Information Systems Technology

    United States Air Force Academy

  • Graduate Degree

    Military Information Systems Technology

    George Washington University

Life & Career Milestones

My path in life has been direct

  • 1.

    When he was young, he had to choose between racing boats and going into the Air Force-one was "instant gratification," one was an "investment."

  • 2.

    Chose the Air Force, thinks he made the right choice; it was something he'd always wanted to do, paid off in the long run.

  • 3.

    Was the first African American to pilot a space flight, later the first African American to command a space flight.

  • 4.

    Says he never planned his next step; he based choices off of emotion rather than intellect.

  • 5.

    "When it was no longer fun, I quit doing it"; moved 13 or 14 times during first eight years in the Air Force.

  • 6.

    He was a test pilot for five or six years, got bored, applied to the astronaut program, was an astronaut for years, got bored, left.

  • 7.

    Now he's in an administrative position and loves it; looks back and says he loves the things he's done and learned.

  • 8.

    Says "you can't sit back and wait for something to have to go out and do it yourself."