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Craig Brewer
Craig Brewer

Craig Brewer

Memphis, TN USA

"Are you perfectly clear on the fact that you will fail? I mean, it's going to happen. The only way you're going to get good is if you fail. So get to failing, get that process going."

Career Roadmap

Craig's work combines: Film, Writing, and Being Creative

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Day In The Life

Film Director/Screenwriter

I'm a filmmaker and director of "Hustle & Flow", "Black Snake Moan", "The Poor & Hungry", and the remake of "Footloose."

Life & Career Milestones

My path in life has been direct

  • 1.

    When he was a student, The Breakfast Club came out; kids at his school were quoting entire passages.

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    He realized "there is power in writing," set out to make "the great American movie."

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    His whole family got involved, they shot $30,000 worth of film that was a complete failure.

  • 4.

    His dad told him to simplify; "if you can't do it with the simplest tools, what makes you think you can do it with expensive tools?"

  • 5.

    He decided to start all over with a digital camera; started to struggle with, "Do I have what it takes?"

  • 6.

    He bought a cheap camera, made a film in his house with family members as crew; it went to the Hollywood Film Festival.

  • 7.

    Agents from the festival loved the film, wanted to see if he'd written anything else; he had Hustle & Flow screenplay ready for them.

  • 8.

    Says people are scared of failing, tend to put off taking risks, then get bitter and resentful later in life because they never tried.