Ann Quiroz Gates Highlight
We can’t have innovation and discovery without a lot of different voices at the table.
About Ann
- My parents always reinforced the importance of education when I was growing up.
- I learned computing in high school, but ended up majoring in mathematics when I went to college.
- My first job after graduating college was as a computer programmer.
- After spending a number of years working and raising a family, I decided to go back to school and get my master’s degree in computer science.
- Earning my master’s degree motivated me to keep going and get a Ph.D. in computer science.
- I went back to the University of Texas at El Paso—my alma mater—as the department chair for computer science and the associate vice president of research.
- I'm also the executive director of the Computing Alliance for Hispanic-Serving Institutions (CAHSI), which promotes inclusion and equity in innovation and discovery.