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Veronica Belmont
Veronica Belmont

Veronica Belmont

Sword & Laser

Costa Mesa, CA USA

"If you're really passionate about a topic and you wanna work in that field, you should already be doing it."

Career Roadmap

Veronica's work combines: Radio, Technology, and Being Creative

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Day In The Life


I advise startups to help test their products, figure out their social media strategies, and evangelize.

Skills & Education

Here's the path I took:

  • High School

  • Bachelor's Degree

    Music Technology

    Emerson College

Life & Career Milestones

My path in life has been direct

  • 1.

    As a kid, whenever she was sick, her mom would buy her a "bravery present," and Veronica always picked out Nintendo games.

  • 2.

    After school, she decided to move to San Francisco with her two best friends.

  • 3.

    She didn't have any money or any sort of plan, so she started cruising around for job opportunites.

  • 4.

    Spotted an ad for an internship at CNET Networks, and eventually got the job.

  • 5.

    Her boss got her a gig producing a podcast, which combined Veronica's interests in new media and audio.

  • 6.

    She worked her way up from producer, to guest, to co-host; after that, she segued into on-camera work.

  • 7.

    In the beginning, as a woman in the tech/gaming field, she felt like she had to prove herself more than a man would; luckily, that's worn off.

  • 8.

    Says that if you're passionate about something, and you want to work in that field, get online and start writing or talking about it.