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Marques Fisher

Marques Fisher


Chicago, IL USA

"Take advantage of every opportunity. You will experience failures along the way; don't let them discourage you and be sure to learn from them."

Career Roadmap

Marques's work combines: Business, Entrepreneurship, and Accomplishing Goals

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Day In The Life

Assurance Senior Manager

I lead teams in audits of companies within the financial services industry.

Skills & Education

Here's the path I took:

  • High School

  • Bachelor's Degree


    Ball State University

  • Graduate Degree


    Ball State University

Here's the path I recommend for someone who wants to be an Accountants and Auditors:

Bachelor's Degree: Accounting

Graduate Degree: Accounting

Learn more about different paths to this career

Life & Career Milestones

  • 1.

    I grew up in the inner-city and basketball was my primary concern. I did not experience much of the world beyond my family, close friends, and my neighborhood.

  • 2.

    I attended Ball State University and studied accounting for my undergraduate and graduate studies.

  • 3.

    I launched my career at PwC in the Indianapolis office.

  • 4.

    I relocated to the PwC Chicago office to take advantage of an opportunity on a global banking client.

Defining Moments

How I responded to discouragement


    Messages from Teachers:

    You don't look like a typical accountant.

  • How I responded:

    I assume the best in people, so I didn't take offense. I don't look like the old stereotype—pocket calculator and green visor—but considering how few black CPAs there are, I also don't look like most of my profession, so I can't avoid that truth in his statement. I remain encouraged because I've been fortunate to have diverse mentors who have helped me chart my path without losing who I am and I have the opportunity to work at a firm, PwC, that has diversity and inclusion as a core value.