Joshua Baldwin

Joshua Baldwin

Systems Engineer; CEO of SDUAD

Northrop Grumman; San Diego Ultimate Auto Detailing

The moment you stop challenging yourself is the moment you stop growing and learning.


My road in life took a while to figure out.
In high school, I prepared in the JROTC program to pursue a career in the Navy but was not accepted into the United States Naval Academy. Soon after, I decided to pursue engineering at UCI.
In 2017, I started PassGPA, an education technology website for students to access and sell course-specific resources. Because of competitors like Chegg and Course Hero, PassGPA was unsuccessful.
Then I enrolled in an auto appearance training program to learn how to professionally detail vehicles and run an auto detailing business. Established SD Ultimate Auto Detailing LLC in summer 2018.


Systems Engineer; CEO of SDUAD

I analyze requirements of an unmanned aircraft and handle workarounds of different changes in the design of aircrafts.

Career Roadmap

My work combines:
My work combines:
Accomplishing Goals

Day to Day

Wake up and commute to work; check email correspondence and missed calls; check for upcoming meetings and plan accordingly; start with the highest priority task of the day and communicate with the relevant people that can help with solving the task most efficiently; work all the way down the list of tasks in a timely and orderly fashion; and be helpful by supporting others and their tasks. After work, I go to the gym and exercise for an hour. Get home, shower, then rest.

Advice for Getting Started

Here's the first step for everyone

Have a vision. Then have the motivation and dedication to carry it out. Never stop challenging yourself. The moment you stop challenging yourself is the moment you stop growing and learning. Get involved and pursue projects that interest you and will advance your knowledge of the world. But do not forget to enjoy the fruits of life and have fun while doing it.

Recommended Education

My career is related to what I studied. I'd recommend the path I took:

Auto Reconditioning Specialist


The Noise I Shed

From Society in General:

"Troubled relationships in the personal and corporate world. In my personal life, friends have been critical of how I manage my time, seeking more attention from me than I can offer. In the corporate world, there have been conflicts of interests. "

Challenges I Overcame



Why do you the things you do? What is your motivation?

Asked by Mark at University of California, Irvine

A desire to attain a position of power in order to make waves and make a difference in peoples lives.

How do you want to improve peoples lives?

Asked by Mark at University of California, Irvine

Contribute to charitable projects relating to sustainability, hunger, and health; as well as support organizations that help people achieve their educational goals.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Asked by Mark at University of California, Irvine

A philanthropist and business owner of several companies that are in inefficient markets in order to improve them, such as in the pharmaceutical sector. Also, an Angel investor to support growing new businesses.

Interviewed By


at University of California, Irvine