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Ken Vu

Ken Vu

NeoBloom, Inc.

San Jose, CA USA

"Put aside what feels comfortable for others. Do what feels right for you."

Career Roadmap

Ken's work combines: Education, Engineering, and Helping People

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Day In The Life

Software Development Engineer

I design and maintain the back-end of the Faerly app, including web development and database management.

Skills & Education

Here's the path I took:

  • High School

    Mt. Pleasant High School

  • Bachelor's Degree

    Mathematics, General

    Evergreen Valley College

  • Bachelor's Degree

    Computational and Applied Mathematics

    San Jose State University

Here's the path I recommend for someone who wants to be a Software Development Engineer:

Bachelor's Degree: Mathematics, General

Bachelor's Degree: Computational and Applied Mathematics

Learn more about different paths to this career

Life & Career Milestones

My path in life took a while to figure out

  • 1.

    You must be content with loneliness and be happy with yourself. Your circumstances do not define your fate. If you can work independently and make decisions for yourself, you can defeat doubt.

  • 2.

    Get involved in clubs and extracurricular activities. Not only do you meet new people, but you also develop people's skills that aren't commonly developed through a traditional classroom setting.

  • 3.

    If you can, see if there's an on-campus job. Some of these jobs can lead to great rapport with others and potential for a recommendation for a higher level position.

  • 4.

    If possible, once all your GE and major courses are done, see if you can have one semester where you just take classes for fun. This gives you a break from the stress of getting all major classes done

  • 5.

    For any great new friends, teachers, and such you meet along the way, they'll likely appreciate it if you show appreciation for them, such as a thank you card. When done right, it builds rapport.

Defining Moments

How I responded to discouragement


    Messages from Peers:

    Be Computer Science, dude! You're wasting time being a math major.

  • How I responded:

    Put aside what feels comfortable for others. Do what feels right for you. No one knows you better than yourself, but at the same time, be open to opportunities as they come. Evaluate your own goals once in a while and reflect on them. By knowing what you want and what you're striving for, you're more likely to be on track on achieving your version of an ideal life for yourself.

Experiences and challenges that shaped me

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  • I was diagnosed with autism, which affected my ability to communicate with others and process information well. I faced discrimination because of my disability as well as struggling to adjust to mainstream courses when I was no longer in special ed.