Career Roadmap
Rose's work combines: Education, Business, and Working with Others
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Here's the path I took:
High School
Manhattan Center for Science and Mathematics
Bachelor's Degree
Hofstra University
Here's the path I recommend for someone who wants to be an Accountants and Auditors:
High School
Bachelor's Degree: Accounting
Learn more about different paths to this careerLife & Career Milestones
My path in life has been direct
Became the first person in my family to enroll at a college.
Chose to dorm to get away from the bad influence of my neighborhood.
Declared my accounting major because I loved math and thought accounting was figuring out formulas.
Took internships in tax and business law and realized I didn't like that type of accounting.
Came upon the auditing job at Mutual of America and decided to try another area of accounting.
Eight years later, still enjoy auditing.
Defining Moments
How I responded to discouragement
Messages from Peers:
People from our neighborhood never leave the neighborhood.
How I responded:
I refused to listen to them. I always knew that there was a bigger world out there, bigger than the four block radius my peers and I were used to. I always had teachers and some friends encourage me to see the bigger picture of a brighter future if I applied myself to a goal. My goal was to graduate from college.
Experiences and challenges that shaped me
Realizing from an early age that good grades would help overcome my single parent household income and help me get into a good college.
Discovering a hobby to do indoors and staying away from the streets where a lot of peers got into gangs and violence.
Learning English and overcoming the stereotypes that Spanish people lack the ability to excel in educational settings.
Not knowing what to expect and what to do, but staying informed about college fairs and working with the college counselor in high school.