
My road in life has taken me all over.
Mother, HS English teacher, edited my papers in HS.
Traveled, hitchhiked in Europe & worked on a kibbutz in Israel.
Joined EDC, a creative think tank of educators, 9 education development centers throughout U.S.
Edited textbooks for Houghton Mifflin and for MA Dept of ED.
Started a retail fashion business.
Earned a MA in Counseling & served as a career counselor and admin at USF.
Wrote 3 books, served as adjunct professor & portfolio advisor at USF.
Volunteered, worked part time and fulltime for AgeSong.
Keep following my journey


High School
University of Massachusetts-Boston
Education, General
Syracuse University


Enrichment Director

I direct a department of a group of assisted living communities, providing meaning-based relational care for every member of the community.

Career Roadmap

My work combines:
My work combines:
Helping People

Day to Day

Wake up at 5am, read my emails and write some emails, go to yoga, drink a green juice, drive to work, open my computer and examine the daily schedule, hold DATES (Daily Therapeutic Engagement Sessions), participate in "Stand Up" meetings with management, support "Walk and Talks" with residents, make sure all residents are happily engaged, go over projects during lunchtime with Enrichment staff and volunteers, participate in family and management meetings as needed, plan events, enter blog posts.

Advice for Getting Started

Here's the first step for college students

Get your feet wet by volunteering or working in a field that interests you, spend time in the field, work with people you like and respect and learn from them. Dive into an occupation or field that interests you even if it's not exactly what you are looking for, best if you get along with the people with whom you are working (or volunteering). Find mentors, either in the work environment of in the field. Keep open to opportunities.

Recommended Education

My career is not related to what I studied. I'd recommend this path instead:


The Noise I Shed

From Parents:

"You should be an elementary school teacher and earn a regular income and retire when you are 55."

Challenges I Overcame

Learning Issues