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Maja Daoust

Maja Daoust


Career Roadmap

Maja's work combines: Philosophy & Religion, Science, and Helping People

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Day In The Life

White Witch of Los Angeles

I am a Witch.

Skills & Education

Here's the path I took:

  • High School

  • Bachelor's Degree

    The Evergreen State College

  • Graduate Degree


    The Evergreen State College

Here's the path I recommend for someone who wants to be a Self-Enrichment Teachers:

Graduate Degree

Learn more about different paths to this career

Life & Career Milestones

My path in life took a while to figure out

  • 1.

    Born to a mother who was a mystic.

  • 2.

    Grew up in the woods.

  • 3.

    Fascinated with nature and the world, studied science.

  • 4.

    Began practicing divination.

  • 5.

    Started martial arts and yoga.

  • 6.

    Studied philosophy and religion.

  • 7.

    Started spiritual practice of meditation.

  • 8.

    Surrendered and became a full time witch.

Defining Moments

How I responded to discouragement


    Messages from Society in general:

    You should Not be a witch because it is evil, even though all I do is help people and give them healings. You can't do magic because it doesn't exist. Witchcraft isn't a religion it is an abomination. If you don't take the word witch off your website you'll be fired.

  • How I responded:

    I just listened to my spirit and didnt get overtaken by OTHER PEOPLES' FEAR. It was easy for me though, I got so much EVIDENCE from my spirit that what I was doing was right. I didn't need to listen to anybody else. The skies literally parted and I followed.

Experiences and challenges that shaped me

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  • I am a single mother with two small children, I support all of us on my own.

  • I face constant judgement due to people's ignorance and fear. If you want to make a challenge for yourself, oppose someone's paradigm and be something that forces them to push their limits.

  • My Father was a drug addict and a criminal.