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Shaka Mitchell
Shaka Mitchell

Shaka Mitchell

American Federation for Children

San Diego, CA USA

"I don’t think it’s ever too late to try something new."

Career Roadmap

Shaka's work combines: Education, Non-Profit Organizations, and Helping People

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Day In The Life

Director of State Strategy and Advocacy

I ensure families have the ability to choose a school for their children that best fits their needs.

Skills & Education

Advice for getting started

When I was a kid, everyone told me I should become a doctor. They thought that because I did well in school, becoming a doctor was the right path for me. I didn't know any doctors but I just agreed because that seemed like the proper path according to everyone else. After taking some classes in high school, I realized that I just wasn't into it. I wasn't interested in things like anatomy and physiology. Once I realized that it wasn't a good fit for me, I started looking into other interests.

Here's the path I took:

  • High School

  • Bachelor's Degree

    Political Science and Philosophy

    Belmont University

  • Doctorate


    Wake Forest University School of Law

Here's the path I recommend for someone who wants to be a Director of State Strategy and Advocacy:

Bachelor's Degree: Political Science and Philosophy

Doctorate: Law

Learn more about different paths to this career

Life & Career Milestones

My path in life has been direct

  • 1.

    Neither of my parents finished college but they made sure my siblings and I knew the value and importance of education—I decided to pursue a career in education because of this.

  • 2.

    I earned my bachelor’s degree in political science and philosophy from Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee.

  • 3.

    I went on to earn my law degree from Wake Forest University School of Law.

  • 4.

    After law school, I started my career in education as an associate director of policy and planning for the Center for Education Reform.

  • 5.

    I’ve since held a variety of positions involving education, law, and policy.

  • 6.

    Some of my roles include outreach coordinator for the Institute for Justice, executive vice president for the Tennessee Center for Policy Research, and regional director for Rocketship Education.

  • 7.

    I eventually joined the American Federation for Children—I started as the Tennessee State Director and now work across multiple states as the director of state strategy and advocacy.

  • 8.

    In addition to my role with the American Federation of Children, I work as an attorney at my own law office and teach political science as an adjunct professor at Belmont University.

Defining Moments

How I responded to discouragement


    You should become a doctor.

  • How I responded:

    When I was a kid, everyone told me I should become a doctor. They thought that because I did well in school, becoming a doctor was the right path for me. I didn't know any doctors but I just agreed because that seemed like the proper path according to everyone else. After taking some classes in high school, I realized that I just wasn't into it. I wasn't interested in things like anatomy and physiology. Once I realized that it wasn't a good fit for me, I started looking into other interests.