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Gary Sheng
Gary Sheng

Gary Sheng

Civics Unplugged

New York, NY USA

"If you're not flourishing while you're trying to make the world a better place, you're doing it wrong."

Career Roadmap

Gary's work combines: Politics, Non-Profit Organizations, and Helping People

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Day In The Life

Co-Founder & Chief Innovation Officer

I empower Gen Z with the training, funding, and network they need to become the civic innovators in their communities.

My Day to Day

Much of my day-to-day involves mentoring members of the community, developing curriculum for the members, developing partnerships, communicating what we do through podcasts and social media, and raising money.

Skills & Education

Advice for getting started

The way the traditional educational system is currently set up, we're prevented from changing our minds. Youth are pressured into choosing a path early on and sticking to it in order to find success. I fell into that for the first 22 years of my life. Now, after taking the time to become intellectually curious, I realized that I'm still learning about myself—and I'm proud to say that! We need to be able to explore, learn, and become empowered beyond the narrow success path that society has set.

Here's the path I took:

  • High School

  • Bachelor's Degree

    Computer Science

    Duke University

Life & Career Milestones

My path in life took a while to figure out

  • 1.

    I spent the first 22 years of my life setting myself up to climb the corporate ladder—I worked hard to test into a magnet high school where I led multiple clubs so I could get into a good college.

  • 2.

    I went to Duke University where I focused on getting good grades in order to land internships.

  • 3.

    I was able to get an internship with Google as a software engineering intern, which then led to a full-time position with Google as a software engineer team lead after I graduated.

  • 4.

    My only two priorities after graduating were to host fun parties and to get promoted at work.

  • 5.

    When the 2016 presidential election happened, I realized I didn’t know much about how the world works, so I started getting into online activism.

  • 6.

    As I got more involved in activism, I started to lose myself in the anger surrounding major political issues and wasn’t able to maintain good relationships with my loved ones anymore.

  • 7.

    I decided to spend the next year humbly learning, thinking about our democracy, and trying to understand how we’d become so polarized.

  • 8.

    I eventually met my co-founders for Civics Unplugged—we realized if we didn’t do something about our democracy now, it would fall apart, so we created our organization to help Gen Z create change.

Defining Moments

How I responded to discouragement


    Messages from Society in general:

    You have to pick an educational and career path and stick to it.

  • How I responded:

    The way the traditional educational system is currently set up, we're prevented from changing our minds. Youth are pressured into choosing a path early on and sticking to it in order to find success. I fell into that for the first 22 years of my life. Now, after taking the time to become intellectually curious, I realized that I'm still learning about myself—and I'm proud to say that! We need to be able to explore, learn, and become empowered beyond the narrow success path that society has set.