Clyde Williams

Clyde Williams

Former White House Advisor

Clinton Administration

Washington, DC USA

If you want to continue to grow as a person, you need to figure out what's best for you. How is it that you're going to map your life?


By Roadtrip Nation

Clyde Williams


My road in life has been direct.
Didn't have a set plan growing up.
Got a political science degree from Howard University.
Worked as an advisor to former President Clinton.
Says it's always easier / more comfortable to settle, to be okay with what you're currently doing.
He feels like it's his duty to keep growing, and this makes him a better, more interesting person.
Works as vice-president of the Center for American Progress, works on public policy.
Keep following my journey


Former White House Advisor

I'm a public servant dedicated to improving access to education and healthcare in the Harlem community.

Career Roadmap

My work combines:
My work combines:
Learning / Being Challenged

Interviewed By

Philadelphia - New York City

Philadelphia - New York City

In Philadelphia, the Roadtrip Nation team climbs to the top of the clock tower at city hall to meet Andrew Lins, a conservation preserver working on restoring the Liberty Bell. Next up is an interview with Billy King, team president of the Philadelphia 76ers. After traveling to New York, they interview "Cousin" Jeff Johnson, a social and political activist with his own show on BET.