Brady Johnson

Brady Johnson


Cooper Farms

Fairfield, TX USA

Be willing to outwork everyone else and don’t be afraid to sweat.


By Roadtrip Nation

Brady Johnson


My road in life has been direct.
I was born and raised in Fairfield, Texas.
My father-in-law, Tim Cooper, started Cooper Farms on five acres of land in 1983 as a hobby.
I became interested in farming at 16 years old and started working in the orchards for Tim Cooper, my high school girlfriend’s father.
I earned my bachelor’s degree in horticulture with an emphasis in fruit production from Texas A&M University.
I married my girlfriend and together we continued to work the farm and the country store.
We’ve since taken over the farm and hope to give our kids the same experience as they grow up.


High School
Texas A&M University



I own and manage a peach farm.

Career Roadmap

My work combines:
My work combines:
Environment & Nature
Accomplishing Goals

Advice for Getting Started

Here's the first step for everyone

Hands-on experience is invaluable in farming. Whether it's a farm, orchard, or something else, I think that getting onto an actual operating organization in the field you're interested is the best way to learn.

Interviewed By

Wide Open Range

Wide Open Range

Explore opportunities in Dallas, Houston, and beyond