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Roadtrip Nation


Build Your Future

Explore all of the education, training, and career opportunities that NYC has to offer—and find the path just for you

Made possible with support from:

  • Carnegie Corporation of New York

In a city full of opportunity, it's time to find yours.

In New York City, it can feel like anything is possible! But with so many options to consider, how do you choose the education and career pathway that's just right for you?

To help you find clarity, we interviewed New Yorkers from all walks of life about the paths they took into their careers. Explore their video interviews to get inspired by their stories and advice—then use the tools and resources on this page to start building a future that's true to you!

A young man in Times Square looks hopefully into the distance.

Here's how you can get started:

Explore local career paths and possibilities

Discover career opportunities, and visualize what your day-to-day work could look like.

Explore Career Paths

Hear career stories from New Yorkers like you

See how people all across New York reached their own versions of success.

Hear Career Stories

Take the next step on your path

Actionable resources for young adults, career seekers, and the people who support them.

Go to Resources

Explore local career paths and possibilities

Which industries are hiring near you—and what does a typical day look like in these fields? Watch the videos below to get an inside look at local opportunities.

Hear career stories from New Yorkers like you

From getting past obstacles to navigating new opportunities, these New Yorkers' career stories are full of advice to help you plan your own path forward.

What’s possible after high school—and beyond?

See the wide range of paths these New Yorkers chose to take after high school—from joining the workforce to pursuing degrees.

Resources to help young adults reach the next level

These New York City-based resources will help you get the training, education, and support you need to tackle your future.

Resources for educators and student-supporting organizations

If you're invested in helping young New Yorkers find career success, use these resources to help them reach their full potential.

More ways to discover who you are—and what you want out of your career

The Roadtrip Nation Experience: An online self-discovery course

A five-lesson course for students and young adults, helping you discover your interests, explore career possibilities, and connect with potential mentors. Educators & facilitators: To implement the Roadtrip Nation Experience with your learners, please reach out to

Start course

Watch Empowering Documentaries

Our award-winning documentaries will take you on a transformative road trip—and show you why moments of doubt and uncertainty are all normal on the path to building a fulfilling career and life.

Share Your Road

Share Your Road is a community where anyone can share the steps they've taken to build and grow their career—lending advice to the young people and career seekers on the path behind them.

Learn More

Made possible with support from:

Carnegie Corporation of New York