Jon Foreman

Jon Foreman

Musician / Singer / Guitarist


San Diego, CA USA

Sometimes tension's a good thing. In fact, being pulled tight is the only way you can make a proper noise on a guitar or a violin. So if you feel pulled, that's not a bad thing.


By Roadtrip Nation

Jon Foreman


My road in life has been direct.
Says music was always a "diversion from class."
He tried out a bunch of different degrees because he wasn't sure what he wanted to do as a "job."
Knew that he loved music more than anything else, but figured he'd never make money playing music.
Thought he'd be okay getting an economics degree and playing music as a side project, but then his band started taking off.
Suddenly, they were living a dual life, trying to keep up with college classes while simultaneously touring.
He used to think that the tension of not knowing what to do was a bad thing, but now says that that pain is a useful emotion.
Says in the music business, it's hard not to let his work be dictated by what other people think of it.
He's reached a point in his life where he asks, "Do I think this is awesome?" and if the answer is yes, he does it without worrying about any other opinions.
Keep following my journey


Musician / Singer / Guitarist

I'm the lead singer, guitarist, and songwriter for the band "Switchfoot."

Career Roadmap

My work combines:
My work combines:
Non-Profit Organizations
Being Creative

Interviewed By

Los Angeles - San Diego

Los Angeles - San Diego

Three young Australian women head to the United States and roadtrip across the country. After arriving in Los Angeles, Mariana, Camilla, and Su-Yin learn to drive an RV and acclimate to life on the road. The team heads to San Diego for their first interview with members of the band Switchfoot. The team then drives to Orange County where they meet activists and philanthropists Augie and Lynn Nieto.